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domingo, 8 de septiembre de 2013


Juan Marino – TPR – Press Release
Saturday, September 8, 2013

Juan Marino’s statements:

“Erdoğan is responsible for the rejection of Istanbul 2020 because he’s a murderer and genocide”

“Argentinean fighters support Turkish people and its revolution to overthrow Erdogan”

Yesterday, the Tendencia Piquetera Revolucionaria (TPR – Revolutionary Piquetero Tendency) developed a demonstration against Erdoğan in front of Hilton Hotel in Argentina. There, Turkey’s Prime Minister, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, participated of the reunions of the International Olympic Committee, in order to achieve Istanbul as the host of the Olympics 2020. After the Argentinean demonstration, Ankara’s mayor, İbrahim Melih Gökçek, initiated a defamation campaign against TPR’s leader Juan Marino, accusing him of “betrayal”, foisting him with the fact that Istanbul was rejected.

In response to Melih Gökçek, Juan Marino declared that “Erdoğan is responsible for the rejection of Istanbul 2020 because he’s a murderer and genocide. When Melih Gökçek accuses us of treason, that’s because AKP’s government doesn't want to look itself in the mirror and assume its own responsibility. He says we betrayed Turkish people, but he and his government are the ones who repressed the revolution in Turkey during June Days and mobilizations in Gezi Park, killing five comrades, detaining hundreds and injuring thousands. Even, this isn’t only the opinion of the TPR, but the New York Times itself published that Istanbul didn’t stand a chance of being chose because of the repression in June. That shows clearly that Melih Gökçek lies and doesn’t want to admit that he and Erdogan are responsible”.

Marino also stated that “Erdoğan said that he defends green spaces during his speech in front of the International Olympic Committee, but he wanted to close Gezi Park and right now he faces massive students’ protests against the construction of a road in a university campus that will destroy the grove of trees there. Erdoğan also said he defense tolerance and the unity between two continents, but he is promoting a full invasion in Syria, that is, dividing the East through an imperialist intervention. But that’s not all, because Erdoğan has placed itself at the right of Obama himself, saying that an air bombing isn’t enough and that Syria must turn into Kosovo. In that same criminal sense, he said that he’s willing to break the UN if necessary. Japan and Spain governments, also nominated for 2020 Olympics, took position in favor of attacking Syria. Therefore, the International Olympic Committee is the refuge of imperialist butchers. In defense of the Turkish revolution and against Syria’s invasion, we mobilized repudiating Erdoğan’s presence in Argentina. We support Turkish people’s struggle because we are internationalist and we support people’s riots against capitalist governments all across the world”.

To finalize, Marino said that “Argentinean fighters fully support Turkish people and its revolution to overthrow Erdoğan and AKP goverment. That’s why, in our demostration, we hold high the names of Ethem Sarısülük, Mehmet Ayvalıtaş, Ali Ismail Korkmaz, Abdullah Cömert y Medeni Yıldırım because those who fell fighting are our struggle flags. We are twinned with the Turkish fighters because we are united by the same struggle. In that sense, as TPR we support the struggle that the comrades from SDH, Sürekli Devrim Hareketi (Movement for the Permanent Revolution), develop every day in Turkey. It was in response to their call that we organized the solidarity act with Turkish people in Argentina. Let’s promote a common campaign rejecting AKP’s provocations and defending unity among Argentinean and Turkish fighters”.

Letter to Argentinian revolutionaries from Surekli Devrim Hareketi (SDH, Movement for Permanent Revolution) from Turkey, about the visit of Erdogan to Argentina:


Juan Marino - +549 116 335 9278

TPR’s Press Secretary

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